How can I transfer funds from my overseas bank, to the UK?
If you have sold a property, and have the funds sitting in your overseas bank account, you can repatriate them to the UK at a competitive exchange rate with A Place in the Sun Currency.
Since Brexit, many overseas banks (particularly in Spain) now make a hefty charge to send funds to the UK. However, A Place in the Sun Currency operates Euro client accounts in Spain and Germany (as well as the UK), which can receive your funds within the EU, which should reduce or eliminate these charges.

Some banks may also make it difficult for you to instruct a transfer if you are already back in the UK.
So, if you haven’t yet received your proceeds from a planned sale, you might want to consider using our Draft service (in Spain only), or transferring funds to us directly from your solicitor (any country). This could save you time and money, as well as ensuring you don’t have to hop on a plane to make a transfer!
However, it is also common to make transfers to us directly from your overseas bank. The process is the same as our usual transfer service – although we’d recommend sending us a small test payment before committing to an exchange rate, to make sure everything goes smoothly.
The only difference is that you will be sending your foreign currency to us (instead of sterling), and we will be sending you sterling (instead of a different currency).
We can receive most major currencies, from most countries. The most common would be Euros from any Eurozone country, US Dollars from the USA or Caribbean, Canadian Dollars, Swiss Francs, or middle Eastern currencies such as the UAE Dirham.
For a full list, please see the Countries & Currencies list in our FAQ page.

Find out more

Transfer direct from your solicitor

Our Draft service (Spain only)

Preparing for your sale
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The overseas
property currency transfer specialist