
By Matthew Vassallo

With little economic data of note out today, investors focus will likely be centred on the ongoing Tory leadership battle…

By Lauren Buckner

Homer, the Greek philosopher termed the phrase ‘liquid gold’ when referring to olive oil in Ancient Greece – since adapted by the modern world to refer to petroleum oil…

By Tom Arnold

Last week was a very busy one on the currency markets with significant volatility across the major currency pairings.The big winner was the US Dollar, which gained 2 year highs against the Pound…

By Ashley Finill

After a torrid week for the Prime minster, Boris Johnson finally threw in the towel, he announced yesterday outside Number 10…

By Luke Dyson

For the week so far we have seen some big announcements as of yesterday which will drastically affect GBP, EUR and USD in the weeks to come.

At present Sterling is holding its strength to some extent…

By Matthew Vassallo

It’s been another tough week for Sterling, which seems to be somewhat of a recurring theme at present.

The Pound did manage to find the odd pocket of support earlier this week, against both the Euro and the US Dollar…