
By Lauren Buckner

Sterling continues its rather lacklustre performance this month, as we continue to see exchange rates against both the euro and the US dollar consolidate lower than those seen in the first half of this year, moving in line with a dip in confidence for the UK economic outlook…

By Simon Eastman

Last week was one of retreat for the Pound as a series of underperforming data releases, led to negativity and lower exchange rates. Friday ended the week trading at the lower end of the recent spectrum, in a less than half point range against both the Euro and US dollar…

By Ashley Finill

Last night saw another blow dealt to Boris Johnson when two by-elections were held in the UK, which saw the Labour party and Liberal Democrats gain Conservative held areas…

By Matthew Boyle

This week could be a critical week for GBP>EUR rates. With central bank intervention being one of the driving factors in rates currently, throughout the week we have several speeches…

By Matthew Vassallo

It was a busy day on the markets yesterday, with the Pound once again being pulled from pillar to post. Following a sharp downturn over recent days against a host of the major currencies, for a time during early trading on Thursday, it seemed as though this negative trend was set to continue…

By Ashley Finill

Yesterday’s trading saw Sterling slump further against the major currencies as the UK’s crippling economic problems start to dictate the Pound’s movements in the currency market…