
By Luke Dyson

Following on from busy economical data releases last week, we have seen the Pound given a drastic amount of uncertainty moving forward…

By Simon Eastman

Thursday was dominated by the ECB interest rate decision due at lunchtime. There had been reports the Europeans were talking about a rate hike…

By Lauren Buckner

Sterling seems to be enjoying some small respite this morning having lost ground late last week against both the euro and the dollar…

By Tom Arnold

With UK markets shut for almost half of last week it is back to a busy week on the currency markets this week following the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations…

By Matthew Vassallo

Another day and it would seem, yet another self-inflicted nail in the Prime Ministers political coffin.

Boris Johnson would have been, privately at least, cautiously optimistic that following the release of the now infamous Sue Gray report…

By Luke Dyson

Following on from last week we have seen a relatively stable market across the board for GBP/EUR and GBP/USD. With Sterling Euro still trading within its multiple month rangebound market.

Over the next few weeks we could see some positivity…