
By Simon Eastman

Yesterday was a flat day on the markets with little movement to trade off.

We had no data for the UK or Europe to go on in the morning, which saw exchange rates trade in a small range on GBP/EUR with around half a cent range…

By Ashley Finill

It’s been a tough start to the week for Sterling as against the Euro as we head into Wednesday. Over the past 48 hours we have seen nearly 2 cents lost…

By Luke Dyson

Following on from last week’s trading we have seen sterling begin to rally again after we have seen multiple better than expected economic data releases…

By Matthew Boyle

Yesterday saw the minutes from the ECB’s April meeting released and with it signs that they could be readying to hike the EUR interest rate by 50bp as early as July…

By Matthew Vassallo

UK Inflation figures released earlier this morning made for grim reading, as the UK economy continues to show increasing signs of significant economic stress…

By Lauren Buckner

The USD continues to strengthen as currency markets try to work out which currencies present the most attractive investment. Like most other financial markets…