
By Simon Eastman

Headlines this morning focus on Emmanuel Macron, who has won the election race against Marine Le Pen, claiming a second term in office…

By Ashley Finill

Boris Johnson is once again facing the music over the parties held at downing street, which have been deemed unlawful by the police…

By Luke Dyson

For the week to date we have seen sterling hold its strength across the board against both euro and dollar. With where GBP/EUR is tracking at the moment…

By Matthew Vassallo

GBP has held its position against the EUR over the first two trading days of the week, with investors’ continued support somewhat buoyed by confirmation than the UK job market is now back to pre-pandemic levels…

By Lauren Buckner

Following the recent trend of high volatility the week ahead sees significant data releases which are likely to support this trend…

By Tom Arnold

This week has been a return to the trends seen over the last couple of months, of a strong Dollar, weak Euro and middling Pound…