
By Ashley Finill

It’s been a good week for Sterling as it continued its momentum from last week. The pound has gained nearly a cent on the Euro…

By Simon Eastman

With UK jobs data expected with caution, following the end of the furlough scheme, traders watched with a keen eye as we had unemployment data and average earnings…

By Lauren Buckner

The pound has been on a bit of a rollercoaster journey of late, seeing us challenge a 7 month low two weeks ago today and ending last week with pressure on a 19 month high…

By Simon Eastman

Sterling versus the single currency has shown gains for almost a week now, giving some of the best rates of exchange seen this year, if not longer…

October 4, 2021

Pound Running on Empty

By Matthew Boyle

Last week was largely dominated by the ongoing fuel crisis in the UK. Following reports of a nationwide petrol shortage…

October 1, 2021

A new month begins

By Luke Dyson

What a week it has been for sterling! 

We have seen a multiple cent drop across the board for GBP major currency pairs. This is following sterling being heavily sold…