
By Luke Dyson

For the week to date, sterling is holding its strength across the board, with GBP/EUR at the top of its current multiple month range bound market. However at present, it still lacks the strength to break out and make new highs just yet.

By Matthew Vassallo

The Pound has seen its value plateau against a majority of the major currencies since the turn of the month, with investors risk appetite for GBP starting to dilute…

By Lauren Buckner

There is much to be celebrated in the UK as everyday life returns to ever more levels of normality. The Pound unfortunately seems to have lost the memo and has moved to the lower end…

By Matthew Boyle

This week is particularly quiet in the way of data, particularly from the UK. As such we can expect sentiment to continue…

By Simon Eastman

As September starts and the week closes, we have seen Raheem Sterling and the England football team perform strongly against Hungary last night, whilst GBP sterling is very much on the back foot…

By Tom Arnold

The last couple of weeks on the currency markets have seen some volatility for the first time in a while…