
By Lauren Buckner

The Pound weakened by over a cent against the Euro and one and a half cents against the USD yesterday as foreign exchange markets saw a flurry of trading…

By Ashley Finill

The German elections were held over the weekend with Angela Merkel stepping down after 16 years as Chancellor of Germany. With her party expected to remain in power there was a shock…

By Matthew Boyle

Wednesday this week saw the official start of the Autumn season signalling the inevitable onset and of colder weather in the UK…

By Matthew Vassallo

Investors have had little to go on over recent days, as GBP continues to remain rangebound against both the EUR & USD

September 20, 2021

The Week Ahead

By Simon Eastman

Last week sterling was yet again volatile as a range of data releases helped then hindered its progress against the major pairings…

By Ashley Finill

The Coronavirus continues to control the currency market and the pound looks to be benefiting slightly over the past couple of weeks…